This is my first time attempting to use an IF condition in the Robot Framework and I am finding it to be surprisingly hard. My test fails with the message: 'If' is a reserved keyword. Well, yes -- and I want to use that keyword!
Here's the snippet of relevant code.
# Column lookup using ${heading} @{heading_list} Create List @{header_element_list} Get WebElements ${table_headers_locator} FOR ${element} IN @{header_element_list} Append To List ${heading_list} ${element.text} END ${col} Get Index From List ${heading_list} ${heading} IF ${col} < 0 Fail Heading '${heading}' not found in table. END
I'm working in PyCharm, with a Robot Framework code syntax highlighting plugin. The plugin also seems to think that there's something amiss with the IF condition; note that its keywords are colored light blue, whereas the keywords in the FOR loop immediately above it are colored orange.
I believe that my IF statement conforms to the simplest example of an IF statement, as shown in the Robot Framework documentation here: Please help me to understand why this is not the case. Thanks! May 05, 2021 at 09:06AM