
text validator does not work using bloc and freezed

the validation of email address does not work using DDD pattern, i am using dartz, bloc and freezed to do so. i have tried to discover the error but i can Not.

the email address is:

class _EmailAdressInput extends _ListOfInputs {    const _EmailAdressInput();    @override    Widget build(BuildContext context) {      return BlocBuilder<AuthBloc, AuthBlocState>(builder: (context, state) {        return TextFormField(          focusNode: emailAddressNode,          autocorrect: false,          textInputAction: TextInputAction.next,          decoration: InputDecoration(            labelText: 'Email Address',          ),          validator: (value) {            return context.read<AuthBloc>().state.email.value!.fold(                (l) => l.maybeMap(                    orElse: () {}, invalidEmail: (_) => "Invalid Email"),                (r) => null);          },          onChanged: (value) {            return context.read<AuthBloc>().add(                AuthBlocEvent.emailAddressEvent(emailAdressEventValue: value));          },          onFieldSubmitted: (value) {            emailAddressNode!.unfocus();            FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(passwordNode);          },        );      });    }  }  

the event using freezed:

@freezed  abstract class AuthBlocEvent with _$AuthBlocEvent {     const factory AuthBlocEvent.emailAddressEvent(        {required String emailAdressEventValue}) = _EmailAddressEvent;  }  

the state using freezed library is:

@freezed  abstract class AuthBlocState with _$AuthBlocState {    const factory AuthBlocState({      required Password password,      required bool isSubmitted,      required bool showErrorMessages,        required Option<Either<AuthFailures, Unit>> authFailureOrSuccessOption,    }) = _AuthBlocState;      factory AuthBlocState.initial() => AuthBlocState(          email: EmailAddress(''),          isSubmitted: false,          showErrorMessages: false,          authFailureOrSuccessOption: none(),        );  }  

the bloc is:

  @override    Stream<AuthBlocState> mapEventToState(      AuthBlocEvent event,    ) async* {      yield* event.map(      emailAddressEvent: (e) async* {      yield state.copyWith(        email: EmailAddress(e.emailAdressEventValue),        showErrorMessages: true,        authFailureOrSuccessOption: none(),      );    },          okPressedEvent: (e) async* {          // to get the value of          // either we should use option of          // to check either values          // we have to knew that          // both are right          if (state.email.isValueValid()              ) {            yield state.copyWith(              isSubmitted: true,              authFailureOrSuccessOption: none(),            );          }        },      );}  

the validator is:

Either<ValueFailures, String> emailAddressValidator(String input) {    if (RegExp(r"""^[a-zA-Z0-9.a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z]+""")        .hasMatch(input)) return right(input);    return left(const ValueFailures.invalidEmail(        msg: "Invalid Email"));  }  

the is value object for equality is:

abstract class ValueObject {    const ValueObject();    Either<ValueFailures, String>? get value;    Either<ValueFailures, String>?  get extraValue;       bool isValueValid() => value!.isRight();    bool isExtraValueValid() => extraValue!.isRight();        @override    String toString() => 'ValueObject(value: $value, extraValue: $extraValue)';      @override    bool operator ==(Object other) {      if (identical(this, other)) return true;          return other is ValueObject &&        other.value == value &&        other.extraValue == extraValue;    }      @override    int get hashCode => value.hashCode ^ extraValue.hashCode;      }  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66956994/text-validator-does-not-work-using-bloc-and-freezed April 06, 2021 at 01:19AM

