
relation"table name" does not exist error on heroku run for postgresql table load

*After deploying my django model in heroku and migrations,    

I am unable to load data into the postgres table by batch run


heroku run python ProddbUpload.py    

I am disappointed with below error

Running python ProddbUpload.py

on ⬢ spellbeeword... up, run.9508 (Free)  relation "spellbeeword_tb" does not exist   

Verified table name Spellbeeword_tb exist in my Postgres database in heroku environment using pg:psql My code to upload data into above mentioned table

import os  import psycopg2  def writedb(conn):      cur = conn.cursor()      try:          with  open("spellbee/docs/Spell_Bee_Word_db.csv", 'r') as f:              cur.copy_from(f,'Spellbeeword_tb',sep=',')              # commit changes              conn.commit()            except Exception as error:          print(error)      finally:          if conn:              conn.close()              f.close()  def main():      DATABASE_URL = os.environ['DATABASE_URL']      try:          conn = psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URL, sslmode='require')          writedb(conn)      except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:          print(error)      finally:          if conn:              conn.close()  if __name__ == "__main__" :      main()  

In pg:psql query, it shows database connection for my table as --> Connecting to postgresql-flat-40316
But in heroku environment variables , it is showing as
=== spellbeeword Config Vars

DATABASE_URL: postgres://mlsudzmqspljyc:c2e68f055e685aa45dde87@ec2-18-206-20-102.compute-1.amazonaws.com: By default the above config made.

I dont know how to connect postgresql-flat-40316/Spellbeeword_tb

when I checked with the below code, nothing printed

cur.execute('SELECT version()')

display the PostgreSQL database server version

db_version = cur.fetchone() print(db_version)

 Pls help me to import my data into table created by django model in heroku.    

I think , in heroku run it is not identifying the correct database to connect .
I followed heroku postgresl django deployment documentation where
DATABASE_URL were configured by dj-database-url installation
I ran the above dbupload code via heroku run python <dbupload-filename.py>
requirements and settings.py were pushed to heroku before this run seperately

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67040823/relationtable-name-does-not-exist-error-on-heroku-run-for-postgresql-table-loa April 11, 2021 at 10:03AM

