
Python handwritten text extraction

I need to extract some text from a image file but I'm not having good results with the handwritten info. It is written on a printed paper which I scanned back with proper scanner

The handwritten info follows a pattern and in most cases is in a blank space and well sized

What I've tried:

  • different langs with tesseract (eng_best, eng_fast, por_best, por_fast)
  • different image processings before reading (grayscale,blur and lots of others' recipes)
  • color thresholding to isolate the blue (none of the ranges I've tried worked)
  • erasing printed text with gimp to isolate written stuff (still tesseract wasn't able to be efficient)
  • cv2.matchTemplate to find the index of a data and map it

I'm running out of ideas

Here's a pic as example

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67040720/python-handwritten-text-extraction April 11, 2021 at 09:34AM

