I need to run a process against unique combinations of 3 to 8 values from a list of 25 integers. This creates a table with approximately 6-million unique record/options (assuming I limit queries as in the following chart) . The formula for unique combinations (here in excel form) for combinations of 8 from a 25 item row is = fact(25)/(fact(8)*fact(25-8)) ... See this explanation here ... https://www.khanacademy.org/math/precalculus/x9e81a4f98389efdf:prob-comb/x9e81a4f98389efdf:combinations/v/handshaking-combinations
As I want combinations of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 - some records will have null entries for their fourth, through eighth values.
As multiple computers and processors might be working on this simultaneously, I need to store the list of "jobs" in MYSQL and update or delete each record when processed.
Using @Eggyal's solution. I can create a table for my 25 values and generate all unique combinations in MYSQL. This list of 25 to 50 values changes occasionally ...
CREATE TABLE UserContacts (`contact_id` int) ; INSERT INTO UserContacts (`contact_id`) VALUES (1), (5), (6) ;
To get all combinations, I can run ...
SELECT a.contact_id a, b.contact_id b, ... (I need up 6 of these combinations) FROM UserContacts a JOIN UserContacts b ON b.contact_id > a.contact_id
See it on sqlfiddle (change to MySQL 5.6 db for it to work).
My question is:
How to best add this data to a new MYSQL table that indexes these combinations properly, so I can find and update records from this table of millions of combinations?
Is it faster to create a compound primary key PRIMARY KEY (firstval, secondval, thirdval ...) ? If yes, how would a select or where query look for the compound solution? etc.
CREATE TABLE 'combinations' (
'combo_id' INT NOT NULL, 'firstval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, 'secondval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, 'thirdval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, 'fourthval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, 'fifthval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, 'sixthval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, 'seventhval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, 'eightthval' SMALLINT(5) NULL, `started` TINYINT(1) NULL, `score` TINYINT(3) NULL, `added` DATETIME NULL, `processed` DATETIME NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`combo_id`) ) ;