Im running into this issue and im not sure why. I have everything set up on firebase and everything works fine for signup up and signin when you type the username/pass correctly. However, when trying to catch error, im getting a platform exception and its in a wierd form. (This is me trying an incorrect password). As you can see theres a Firebaseauthexception inside a Platform Exception inside a platform exception and my try catch isnt even able to catch it. Im updated to the most recent version of ^1.1.1
PlatformException (PlatformException(firebase_auth, The password is invalid or the user does not have a password., {code: wrong-password, additionalData: {}, message: The password is invalid or the user does not have a password.}, null))
try { userCredential = await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: user, password: pass); } on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) { if (e.code == 'user-not-found') { print('No user found for that email.'); } else if (e.code == 'wrong-password') { print('Wrong password provided for that user.'); } }
UPDATE im also getting this displayed:
Ignoring header X-Firebase-Locale because its value was null.
UPDATE 2 found this link which describes what im having similarly Google Sign-In With Flutter: Error Code -4
Any insight would be greatly appreciated April 23, 2021 at 02:49AM