
Error response from daemon: Container is not running when running command from Docker image of openzim/zim-tools

I'm using Docker on Windows 10 for openzim/zim-tools. Then I want to use the command zimDump [options] zimfile, i.e.,

zimDump -D "C:\Users\Akira\Downloads\zim" "C:\Users\Akira\Downloads\Documents\wiktionary_fr_all_maxi_2021-03.zim"  

In command prompt, I type the following

docker ps -a  docker exec -it eager_nightingale zimDump -D "C:\Users\Akira\Downloads\zim" "C:\Users\Akira\Downloads\Documents\wiktionary_fr_all_maxi_2021-03.zim"  

Then it returns the message

C:\Users\Akira>docker ps -a  CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                      PORTS     NAMES  3f3fcdc4a238   openzim/zim-tools   "/bin/sh -c 'echo 'W…"   13 minutes ago   Exited (0) 13 minutes ago             eager_nightingale    C:\Users\Akira>docker exec -it eager_nightingale zimDump -D "C:\Users\Akira\Downloads\zim" "C:\Users\Akira\Downloads\Documents\wiktionary_fr_all_maxi_2021-03.zim"  Error response from daemon: Container 3f3fcdc4a2389be32f9dfbb0b1cf7a8d77e74aaef31555cd9724cae75dab7731 is not running  

Could you please elaborate on where I got wrong?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66947488/error-response-from-daemon-container-is-not-running-when-running-command-from-d April 05, 2021 at 10:03AM

