
Is it possible to analyze items' performance from different exams using the same questions but with a different order in each version?

We produced five exams2nops exams using the same groups of items, with randomized order. All of them were schoice items. As such, five different *.rds files were obtained, each of them will be used with the correspondent scanned exams. I noticed that in those *.rds files to be used in the nops_eval there is the information about the *.rmd which as used to produce that exams' question. E.g.:

enter image description here

However, after producing the the nops_eval.csv that information is lost. I would like to merge all five nops_eval.csv files using the *.rmd information to match each question. Since the same question (e.g. exercise 22) can be genareted from the different *.rmd files. All the same 22 *.rmd files were used in all exams (all have the same 22 questions but with different orders.

I would like to obtain a data frame with the merged csv to allow me to conduct Item Response Theory and Rasch modeling analysis.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65798834/is-it-possible-to-analyze-items-performance-from-different-exams-using-the-same January 20, 2021 at 04:14AM

