I want to performance test a recommender system. It is important that the sequence of each product request for the same customer_id is respected as it influences the CPU load of the system under test.
How should I approach this? (This is what I have so far the exec does not work in the foreach)
import io.gatling.core.Predef._ import io.gatling.http.Predef._ class MySimulation extends Simulation { val baseUrl = "" // val contentType = "application/json" var realtime_feeder = Array( Map("product_ids" -> List("9200000118431183", "9200000118431213", "9200000089631081"), "customer_id" -> "1"), Map("product_ids" -> List("9200000121305523"), "customer_id" -> "2"), Map("product_ids" -> List("9200000118431349", "9200000089631025"), "customer_id" -> "3"), ) val httpConfiguration = http.baseUrl(baseUrl) .acceptHeader(contentType) .contentTypeHeader(contentType) .shareConnections .warmUp(baseUrl) val productRequest = http("Recommend ${customer_id} ${product_id}") .get("/recommend/${customer_id}/${product_id}") val scn = scenario("scenario") .feed(realtime_feeder) .foreach(session => { val product_ids = session("product_ids").as[List[String]] val customer_id = session("customer_id").as[String] for (product_id <- product_ids){ exec(productRequest, customer_id, product_id) } }, ) setUp( scn.inject( atOnceUsers(2) ).protocols(httpConfiguration)) }
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65850209/gatling-prevent-concurrent-requests-for-same-customer January 23, 2021 at 01:45AM