
Factor Search Clearing Button in DT: shinydashboard vs. shinymaterial

I have several applications that I am attempting to port from shinydashboard to shinymaterial, due to the nice aesthetics that my users seem to enjoy. I am facing an issue with searching/filtering factors in the shinymaterial dashboards where the "x" button that normally clears factor filtering is NOT present when using shinymaterial.

shinydashboard screenshot where the "filter clearing" button for the factor column is present: shinydashboard screenshot

shinymaterial screenshot where there is no "filter clearing" button for the factor column: shinymaterial screenshot

Here are my reproducible code examples:


library(shiny)  library(tidyverse)  library(DT)    # Shiny Dashboard or Shiny Material  library(shinydashboard)    ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage(    shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(      title = "Some Title",      titleWidth = 250    ),        shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar(),        shinydashboard::dashboardBody(      DT::dataTableOutput("exampleDT")    )  )    server <- function(input, output, session) {        # Use MPG Data and convert manufacturer to Factor    df <- mpg %>%      mutate(manufacturer = as.factor(manufacturer))        # Create Datatable    output$exampleDT <- DT::renderDataTable({            DT::datatable(df,                    class = 'cell-border stripe',                    rownames = FALSE,                    escape = FALSE,                    extensions = c("KeyTable"),                    filter = list(position = "top"),                    options = list(searching = TRUE,                                   searchHighlight = TRUE,                                   scrollX = TRUE,                                   pageLength = 5,                                   autoWidth = TRUE,                                   keys = TRUE,                                   columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all"))                    )      )    })      }    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)  


library(shiny)  library(tidyverse)  library(DT)    # Shiny Dashboard or Shiny Material  library(shinymaterial)    ui <- shinymaterial::material_page(    title = "Some Title",    primary_theme_color = "grey",        shinymaterial::material_tabs(      tabs = c("Tab 1" = "tab1")    ),        shinymaterial::material_tab_content(      tab_id = "tab1",      shinymaterial::material_card(        title = "",        DT::dataTableOutput("exampleDT")      )    )      )    server <- function(input, output, session) {        # Use MPG Data and convert manufacturer to Factor    df <- mpg %>%      mutate(manufacturer = as.factor(manufacturer))        # Create Datatable    output$exampleDT <- DT::renderDataTable({            DT::datatable(df,                    class = 'cell-border stripe',                    rownames = FALSE,                    escape = FALSE,                    extensions = c("KeyTable"),                    filter = list(position = "top"),                    options = list(searching = TRUE,                                   searchHighlight = TRUE,                                   scrollX = TRUE,                                   pageLength = 5,                                   autoWidth = TRUE,                                   keys = TRUE,                                   columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all"))                    )      )    })      }    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65894974/factor-search-clearing-button-in-dt-shinydashboard-vs-shinymaterial January 26, 2021 at 10:06AM

