I have this Step Definition which calls out CurrencyValidator. I wanted to create a unit test for it's isValid method
public class ValidationStepDefs { // Variables for the features Example private String enumName; private String ccy; private CurrencyValidator currencyValidator = new ValidCurrencyValidator(); private String actualResult; @Given("valid currency are provided {string}") public void provideCcy(String ccy) { this.ccy = ccy; } @When("the CurrencyValidator.isValid was called") public void validCurrencyValidator() { boolean isCcyValid = currencyValidator.isValid(this.ccy, null); if(isCcyValid) { this.actualResult = "valid"; } else { this.actualResult = "not valid"; } } @Then("the result should be {string}") public void validation(String expectedResult) { assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult); }
This is the Currency Validator class. Which Autowired a service which gets all the currency from a database. But when I debug my code the service from CurrencyValidator class is getting a null as a value.
public class CurrencyValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Currency, String> { @Autowired SampleService service; @Override public boolean isValid(String currency, ConstraintValidatorContext context) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(currency)) { return getAllCurrencies().contains(currency); } return true; } private List<String> getAllCurrencies() { HashMap<String, Currency> CurrencyMap = refDataService.getKa4Currencies(); List<String> currencies = new ArrayList<String>(CurrencyMap.keySet()); return currencies; } }
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65895070/autowire-inside-of-other-class-object-getting-null-in-cucumber-test January 26, 2021 at 10:22AM