I am trying to read a multiline csv file in spark. My schema is: Id, name and mark. My input and actual output are given below. I am not getting the expected output. Can someone please help what I am missing in my code.
val myMarkDF = spark .read .format("csv") .option("path","mypath\\marks.csv") .option("inferSchema","true") .option("multiLine","true") .option("delimiter",",") .load
1,A, 97,, 1,A,98 1,A, 99,, 2,B,100 2,B,95
Actual output:
+---+----+----+ |_c0| _c1| _c2| +---+----+----+ | 1| A|null| | 97|null|null| | 1| A| 98| | 1| A|null| | 99|null|null| | 2| B| 100| | 2| B| 95| +---+----+----+
Expected output:
+---+----+----+ |_c0| _c1| _c2| +---+----+----+ | 1| A| 97| | 1| A| 98| | 1| A| 99| | 2| B| 100| | 2| B| 95| +---+----+----+
from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65376761/reading-a-multiline-csv-file-in-spark user3103957 http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png