
Bootstrap display class affecting table header

I am trying to make my site more user friendly, I have a table as shown in the image below which is putting lines under the text of the columns that have bootstrap classes to remove them on smaller screens.

I can't seem to get rid of this issue. I am using standard bootstrap 4 CSS.

My code for the table looks like this, appreciate the help.

<div class='container mx-auto' style='width: 100%'>      <table class='table table-hover' style='width: 100%'>          <thead class='bg-primary text-white'>                <tr>                  <th class='bg-primary text-white border-left border-right d-none d-xl-block'>ID</th>                  <th class='col-2 bg-primary text-white border-left border-right'>Date</a></th>                  <th class='bg-primary text-white d-none d-lg-block'>Venue</th>                  <th class='bg-primary text-white'>Comp</th>                  <th class='bg-primary text-white border-left border-right d-none d-lg-block'>M/F</th>                  <th class='col-2 bg-primary text-white border-left border-right'>Home Team</th>                  <th colspan='2' class='col-1 bg-primary text-white border-left border-right text-center'>Score</th>                  <th class='col-2 bg-primary text-white border-left border-right'>Away Team</th>                  <th class='bg-primary text-white border-left border-right d-none d-md-block'>Referee</th>                  <th class='bg-primary text-white border-left border-right text-center'>Edit</th>                  <th class='bg-primary text-white border-left border-right text-center'>Delete</th>              </tr>          </thead>          <tbody>  <?php    if($result = mysqli_query($link,$sql)) {        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {            echo "                        <tr>                            <td class='border-left border-right d-none d-xl-block'>{$row[6]}</td> <!-- ID -->                            <td class='border-left border-right'><a href='viewMatch.php?matchID={$row[6]}'>{$row[0]}</a></td><!-- Date -->                            <td class='text-left border-left border-right d-none d-lg-block'>{$row[1]}</td><!-- Venue -->                            <td class='border-left border-right'>{$row[2]}</td><!-- Comp -->                            <td class='border-left border-right d-none d-lg-block' style='text-align:center'>{$row[7]}</td><!-- Gender -->                            <td class='border-left border-right'>{$row[3]}</td><!-- Home Team -->                            <td class='border-left border-right' style='text-align:center'>{$row[8]}</td><!-- Home Score -->                            <td class='border-left border-right' style='text-align:center'>{$row[9]}</td><!-- Away Score -->                            <td class='border-left border-right'>{$row[4]}</td><!-- Away Team -->                            <td class='border-left border-right d-none d-md-block'>{$row[5]}</td><!-- Referee -->";            if($role >= 5) {                echo "                            <td class='border-left border-right text-center'>                                <form action='../edit/updateMatch.php' method='POST' onsubmit=''/>                                    <input type='hidden' name='q' value='".$row[6]."'/><button class='btn btn-primary' type='Submit' value='Update'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i></button>                                </form>                            </td>";            }            if($role > 5) {                echo "                            <td style='text-align:center'>                                <form action='../delete/deleteMatch.php' method='POST' onsubmit='' onclick='return confirm(`do you want to delete {$row[3]} vs {$row[4]} on the {$row[0]}`)'/><input type='hidden' name='q' value='".$row[6]."' /><button class='btn btn-danger' type='Submit' value='Delete'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></button>                                </form>                            </td>";            }            echo "                        </tr>";        }            echo "                    </tbody>                </table>            </div>    </div>";  

My table header with issue

from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65376847/bootstrap-display-class-affecting-table-header RBurns https://i.stack.imgur.com/InL9k.png

