
Insert data into database from input in python using sql

Let's assmue I have the following table in a database called data.db:

CREATE TABLE species (      species_id int PRIMARY KEY,    -- NCBI taxonomic code      abbrev character(2),      latin  character varying(50),      common character varying(20)  );  

How can I manually add new data into this database from python using sql?

The input function should look something like this:

Please define a 'species_id', that should be inserted to the database:   Please define a 'latin', that should be inserted to the database:   Please define a 'abbrev' that should be inserted to the database:  

The code I have tried looks like this:

def data_add(conn, cursor, species_id, latin, abbrev):      sql = "INSERT INTO species VALUE ('{species_id}', '{latin}', '{abbrev}', NULL);"            A=input("Please define a 'species_id', that should be inserted to the database (used in task 5):")      B=input("Please define a 'latin', that should be inserted to the database (used in task 5):")      C=input("Please define a 'abbrev', that should be inserted to the database (used in task 5):")            cursor.execute(sql,[A], [B], [C])      return cursor.fetchall()    

EDIT - updated based on feedback

def data_add(conn, cursor, species_id, latin, abbrev):      species_id = input("Please define a 'species_id':")      latin      = input("Please define a 'latin':")      abbrev     = input("Please define a 'abbrev':")        sql = "insert into species(species_id, latin, abbrev) value (?, ?, ?);"      cursor.execute(sql, (species_id, latin, abbrev));  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65386061/insert-data-into-database-from-input-in-python-using-sql December 21, 2020 at 08:04AM

