
testing route method in angular unit test

I am working on angular application in which I am writing unit test. I have one method in my component which is as follows

MyComponent -          route(element) {           this.myService.Name(element.Name);           this.myService.Code(element.Code);           this.router.navigate(["myPage"], { relativeTo: this.routes});        }            MyService -                  Name(data) {              this.name.next(data);            }                     Code(data) {              this.code.next(data);            }         private code = new BehaviorSubject("");         getCode = this.code.asObservable();              private name= new BehaviorSubject("");        getName = this.name.asObservable();    My unit test is as follows-     it('route() function should be called', () => {         component.route(mockData[0]);         var spy = spyOn(component, "route").and.callThrough();         expect(spy).toBeDefined();     })  

I am getting following error on running test case

TypeError: this.myService.Name is not a function

How can I resolve this?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67394282/testing-route-method-in-angular-unit-test May 05, 2021 at 10:06AM

