
Showing decimal places ASCII DWORD ? MASM x64 dtoa conversion

Is it possible to show after dtoa, the decimal places without writing an ASCII to floating-point conversion?

Includes: Header for prompts.

.DATA                                 radius DWORD ?                           height DWORD ?                            volume DWORD ?                          p1        BYTE    "Radius (Enter): ", 0  ; Prompt for a radius input     p2        BYTE    "Height (Enter): ", 0  ; Prompt for a height input     string    BYTE    40 DUP (?)             ; Simple string variable  rL        BYTE    "Volume (Result): ", 0 ; Result volume prompt       vvv       BYTE    11 DUP(?), 0           ; Eventually dota conversion, before output    .CODE  MainProc  PROC            sub     rsp, 120       ;                           input   p1, string, 40 ; Prompt one radius              atod    string         ; Convert prompt one input                   mov     radius, eax    ; Move radius, eax                          input   p2, string, 40 ; Prompt two height              atod    string         ; Convert prompt two input                    mov     height, eax    ; Move height                                     mov eax, radius        ; Move radius                mul eax                ; Multiply eax            mov radius, eax        ; Move radius, eax              mov eax, 22            ; Move eax            mov ebx, radius        ; Move ebx, radius            mul ebx                ; Multiple ebx            mov bx, 7              ; Move bx            div bx                 ; Divide bx              mov ebx, eax           ; Move ebx, eax              mov eax, height        ; Move eax, height            mul ebx                ; Multiply ebx              mov ebx, eax           ; Move ebx, eax              mov eax, ebx           ; Move eax, ebx            mov bx, 3              ; Move bx, 3            div bx                 ; Divide 3            inc eax                ; Increment eax              mov volume, eax        ; Move volume, eax                   dtoa vvv, eax          ; Possible conversion, without rounding up result?            output rL, vvv         ; Output prompt result               add rsp, 120           ; Add rsp, 120                    mov rax, 0             ; mov rax, 0                 ret                    ; Return     MainProc ENDP   END  

Show's volume of a cone. Currently, this just raises, to a nearest whole number. 365.5 will be 370.


Radius: 10 Height: 5





https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67352320/showing-decimal-places-ascii-dword-masm-x64-dtoa-conversion May 02, 2021 at 09:45AM

