This is the view I am using to retrieve the data in my UI. The problem with this is that when I look data between 2021-03-09' and '2021-03-17
, it returns the result from 2021-03-18
as well.
I had look into Postman
to check what date it is passing through and found that it sending date like startDateTime%20ge%202021-03-08T12:00:00.000Z%20and%20startDateTime%20le%202021-03-17T12:00:00.000Z
which returns 2021-03-18
data as well. I do not want it to return the 18th one. Is there any way to modify in the script. But If search for 2021-03-18 date range like startDateTime%20ge%202021-03-17T12:00:00.000Z%20and%20startDateTime%20le%202021-03-18T12:00:00.000Z
, it returns correct number of row.
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vw_o_sessions] AS SELECT DISTINCT NEWID() AS TUniqueKey, SNumber AS Sessionid, CSession, SStartDateTime AS StartDateTime, FROM [vw_o_appointments] GROUP BY SSessionNumber, CSession, SStartDateTime,
The other view:
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vw_o_appointments] AS SELECT NEWID() AS TUniqueKey, CASE WHEN (PE.EAdmitDateTime IS NOT NULL AND CAST(PE.EAdmitDateTime AS time) < '12:30') OR (CAST(PE.ADate AS time) < '12:30') THEN CAST(CONVERT(varchar, ISNULL(Pe.EAdmitDateTime, PE.ADate), 112) AS varchar(50)) + '0' WHEN (PE.EAdmitDateTime IS NOT NULL AND CAST(PE.EAdmitDateTime AS time) >= '12:30') OR (CAST(PE.ADate AS time) > '12:30') THEN CAST(CONVERT(varchar, ISNULL(Pe.EAdmitDateTime, PE.ADate), 112) AS varchar(50)) + '1' ELSE NULL END AS SNumber, CONVERT(date, ISNULL(Pe.EAdmitDateTime, PE.ADate)) AS SStartDateTime, CASE WHEN (PE.EAdmitDateTime IS NOT NULL AND CAST(PE.EAdmitDateTime AS time) < '12:30') OR (CAST(PE.ADate AS time) < '12:30') THEN 'AM' WHEN (PE.EAdmitDateTime IS NOT NULL AND CAST(PE.EAdmitDateTime AS time) >= '12:30') OR (CAST(PE.ADate AS time) > '12:30') THEN 'PM' ELSE NULL END AS CSession FROM (SELECT PE1.PNumber, PE1.REncounterId, PE1.ADate, PE1.EAdmitDateTime, PE1.MType FROM (SELECT PNumber, REncounterId, ADate, EAdmitDateTime, MType FROM PEncounter WHERE PNumber IS NOT NULL) AS PE1 LEFT JOIN PExtendedAttr PEA ON PE1.REncounterId = PEA.REncounterId LEFT JOIN PBooking PB ON PB.REncounterId = PE1.REncounterId) AS PE
Here is the sample data from the database. When I run a query in the database, it returns the correct number of rows. The problem occurs only when I make a request through Postman
or application UI.
TUniqueKey Clinic CSession StartDateTime ---------------------------------------------------- 8CE5DE47 ABC1 AM 2021/03/11 56F3E7B2 ABC1 AM 2021/03/15 96E8BFE4 ABC1 AM 2021/03/10 97ACF31E ABC1 PM 2021/03/11 22CAE64E ABC1 PM 2021/03/15 B14DB9EA ABC1 PM 2021/03/18 B14DB9EC ABC1 AM 2021/03/18 May 06, 2021 at 09:51AM