
My code is breaking every time I try to use ($ this-> fetchAll)

I have a severe problem, about functions and if's

My problem is, that on the line where I put a fetchAll, there is a problem, can you help me?

I particularly have some theories, however, I found it more efficient to ask here, for better guidance, sorry for my terrible English

this code, it is after the user has successfully logged in

The AuthmeController I got ready, but I don't know how to proceed with the next steps ...

when the login is done, everything that is below the fetchAll line is ignored, that is, if I put something simple like an echo 'test', it will not work

function process_login($user, $pass, AuthMeController $controller) {      if ($controller->checkPassword($user, $pass)) {            printf('<h1>Hello, %s!</h1>', htmlspecialchars($user));          echo 'Successful login. Nice to have you back!';                    $userid = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)[0];                    session_start();          $_SESSION['DATASESSION'] = array($user["username"], $user["gamemaster"]);                    header('Refresh: 5; URL=https://forbiddenseries.net');                    echo "<br /><a href='../index.php'>Back to Form</a>";                    return true;      } else {          echo '<h1>Error</h1> Invalid username or password.';          header('Refresh: 5; URL=https://forbiddenseries.net');      }      return true;  }  

The fully code: Note: I'm trying to focus only without login logic

<!DOCTYPE html>  <html lang="en">   <head>     <title>AuthMe Integration Sample</title>     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />   </head>   <body>  <?php    require 'AuthMeController.php';    // Change this to the file of the hash encryption you need, e.g. Bcrypt.php or Sha256.php  require 'Bcrypt.php';  // The class name must correspond to the file you have in require above! e.g. require 'Sha256.php'; and new Sha256();  $authme_controller = new Bcrypt();    $action = get_from_post_or_empty('action');  $user = $_POST['username'];  $pass = $_POST['password'];  $email = get_from_post_or_empty('email');    $was_successful = false;  if ($user && $pass) {      if (isset($user) && isset($pass)) {          $was_successful = process_login($user, $pass, $authme_controller);      } else if ($action === 'Register') {          $was_successful = process_register($user, $pass, $email, $authme_controller);      }  }    function get_from_post_or_empty($index_name) {      return trim(          filter_input(INPUT_POST, $index_name, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR | FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)              ?: '');  }         // Login logic  function process_login($user, $pass, AuthMeController $controller) {      if ($controller->checkPassword($user, $pass)) {            printf('<h1>Hello, %s!</h1>', htmlspecialchars($user));          echo 'Successful login. Nice to have you back!';                    $userid = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)[0];                    session_start();          $_SESSION['DATASESSION'] = array($user["username"], $user["gamemaster"]);                    header('Refresh: 5; URL=https://forbiddenseries.net');                    echo "<br /><a href='../index.php'>Back to Form</a>";                    return true;      } else {          echo '<h1>Error</h1> Invalid username or password.';          header('Refresh: 5; URL=https://forbiddenseries.net');      }      return true;  }    // Register logic  function process_register($user, $pass, $email, AuthMeController $controller) {      if ($controller->isUserRegistered($user)) {          echo '<h1>Error</h1> This user already exists.';      } else if (!is_email_valid($email)) {          echo '<h1>Error</h1> The supplied email is invalid.';      } else {          // Note that we don't validate the password or username at all in this demo...          $register_success = $controller->register($user, $pass, $email);          if ($register_success) {              printf('<h1>Welcome, %s!</h1>Thanks for registering', htmlspecialchars($user));              echo '<br /><a href="index.php">Back to form</a>';              return true;          } else {              echo '<h1>Error</h1>Unfortunately, there was an error during the registration.';          }      }      return false;  }    function is_email_valid($email) {      return trim($email) === ''          ? true // accept no email          : filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);  }    ?>     </body>  </html>  
abstract class AuthMeController {        const AUTHME_TABLE = 'authme';        /**       * Entry point function to check supplied credentials against the AuthMe database.       *       * @param string $username the username       * @param string $password the password       * @return bool true iff the data is correct, false otherwise       */      function checkPassword($username, $password) {          if (is_scalar($username) && is_scalar($password)) {              $hash = $this->getHashFromDatabase($username);              if ($hash) {                  return $this->isValidPassword($password, $hash);              }          }          return false;      }        /**       * Returns whether the user exists in the database or not.       *       * @param string $username the username to check       * @return bool true if the user exists; false otherwise       */      function isUserRegistered($username) {          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' WHERE username = ?');              $stmt->bind_param('s', $username);              $stmt->execute();              return $stmt->fetch();          }            // Defensive default to true; we actually don't know          return true;      }        /**       * Registers a player with the given username.       *       * @param string $username the username to register       * @param string $password the password to associate to the user       * @param string $email the email (may be empty)       * @return bool whether or not the registration was successful       */      function register($username, $password, $email) {          $email = $email ? $email : 'your@email.com';          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $hash = $this->hash($password);              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' (username, realname, password, email, ip) '                  . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');              $username_low = strtolower($username);              $stmt->bind_param('sssss', $username_low, $username, $hash, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);              return $stmt->execute();          }          return false;      }                  /**       * Changes password for player.       *       * @param string $username the username       * @param string $password the password       * @return bool true whether or not password change was successful        */      function changePassword($username, $password) {          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $hash = $this->hash($password);              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('UPDATE ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' SET password=? '                  . 'WHERE username=?');              $username_low = strtolower($username);              $stmt->bind_param('ss', $hash, $username_low);              return $stmt->execute();          }          return false;      }            function startAuthmeSession($username){          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if(isset($_POST['username'])){              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM authme WHERE username = ?");              $stmt->execute(array($_POST['username']));                            if($stmt->rowCount){                                    $userid = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)[0];                                    session_start();                  $_SESSION['DATAUSERID'] = array($userid['default'], $userid['masteruser']);                                                  }else{                                }          }else{                        }          return false;      }        /**       * Hashes the given password.       *       * @param $password string the clear-text password to hash       * @return string the resulting hash       */      protected abstract function hash($password);        /**       * Checks whether the given password matches the hash.       *       * @param $password string the clear-text password       * @param $hash string the password hash       * @return boolean true if the password matches, false otherwise       */      protected abstract function isValidPassword($password, $hash);        /**       * Returns a connection to the database.       *       * @return mysqli|null the mysqli object or null upon error       */      private function getAuthmeMySqli() {          // CHANGE YOUR DATABASE DETAILS HERE BELOW: host, user, password, database name          $mysqli = new mysqli('', 'u790604256_akashic', 'Enstone@2020', 'u790604256_db_server_game');          if (mysqli_connect_error()) {              printf('Could not connect to AuthMe database. Errno: %d, error: "%s"',                  mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error());              return null;          }          return $mysqli;      }        /**       * Retrieves the hash associated with the given user from the database.       *       * @param string $username the username whose hash should be retrieved       * @return string|null the hash, or null if unavailable (e.g. username doesn't exist)       */      private function getHashFromDatabase($username) {          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT password FROM ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' WHERE username = ?');              $stmt->bind_param('s', $username);              $stmt->execute();              $stmt->bind_result($password);              if ($stmt->fetch()) {                  return $password;              }          }          return null;      }    }  

This code on bellow, is the class, where has the functions, private functios and more for code on above this line

abstract class AuthMeController {        const AUTHME_TABLE = 'authme';        /**       * Entry point function to check supplied credentials against the AuthMe database.       *       * @param string $username the username       * @param string $password the password       * @return bool true iff the data is correct, false otherwise       */      function checkPassword($username, $password) {          if (is_scalar($username) && is_scalar($password)) {              $hash = $this->getHashFromDatabase($username);              if ($hash) {                  return $this->isValidPassword($password, $hash);              }          }          return false;      }        /**       * Returns whether the user exists in the database or not.       *       * @param string $username the username to check       * @return bool true if the user exists; false otherwise       */      function isUserRegistered($username) {          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' WHERE username = ?');              $stmt->bind_param('s', $username);              $stmt->execute();              return $stmt->fetch();          }            // Defensive default to true; we actually don't know          return true;      }        /**       * Registers a player with the given username.       *       * @param string $username the username to register       * @param string $password the password to associate to the user       * @param string $email the email (may be empty)       * @return bool whether or not the registration was successful       */      function register($username, $password, $email) {          $email = $email ? $email : 'your@email.com';          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $hash = $this->hash($password);              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' (username, realname, password, email, ip) '                  . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');              $username_low = strtolower($username);              $stmt->bind_param('sssss', $username_low, $username, $hash, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);              return $stmt->execute();          }          return false;      }                  /**       * Changes password for player.       *       * @param string $username the username       * @param string $password the password       * @return bool true whether or not password change was successful        */      function changePassword($username, $password) {          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $hash = $this->hash($password);              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('UPDATE ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' SET password=? '                  . 'WHERE username=?');              $username_low = strtolower($username);              $stmt->bind_param('ss', $hash, $username_low);              return $stmt->execute();          }          return false;      }            function startAuthmeSession($username){          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if(isset($_POST['username'])){              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM authme WHERE username = ?");              $stmt->execute(array($_POST['username']));                            if($stmt->rowCount){                                    $userid = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)[0];                                    session_start();                  $_SESSION['DATAUSERID'] = array($userid['default'], $userid['masteruser']);                                                  }else{                                }          }else{                        }          return false;      }        /**       * Hashes the given password.       *       * @param $password string the clear-text password to hash       * @return string the resulting hash       */      protected abstract function hash($password);        /**       * Checks whether the given password matches the hash.       *       * @param $password string the clear-text password       * @param $hash string the password hash       * @return boolean true if the password matches, false otherwise       */      protected abstract function isValidPassword($password, $hash);        /**       * Returns a connection to the database.       *       * @return mysqli|null the mysqli object or null upon error       */      private function getAuthmeMySqli() {          // CHANGE YOUR DATABASE DETAILS HERE BELOW: host, user, password, database name          $mysqli = new mysqli('SPOILER', 'SPOILER', 'SPOILER', 'SPOILER');          if (mysqli_connect_error()) {              printf('Could not connect to AuthMe database. Errno: %d, error: "%s"',                  mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error());              return null;          }          return $mysqli;      }        /**       * Retrieves the hash associated with the given user from the database.       *       * @param string $username the username whose hash should be retrieved       * @return string|null the hash, or null if unavailable (e.g. username doesn't exist)       */      private function getHashFromDatabase($username) {          $mysqli = $this->getAuthmeMySqli();          if ($mysqli !== null) {              $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT password FROM ' . self::AUTHME_TABLE . ' WHERE username = ?');              $stmt->bind_param('s', $username);              $stmt->execute();              $stmt->bind_result($password);              if ($stmt->fetch()) {                  return $password;              }          }          return null;      }    }  

and this code, is an extension class for AuthmeController, it is a class focused on Hash bcrypt, which I use

class Bcrypt extends AuthMeController {        protected function hash($password) {          return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);      }        protected function isValidPassword($password, $hash) {          return password_verify($password, $hash);      }    }  

Update - screenshot of the error message, taken from the comments:

enter image description here

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67393739/my-code-is-breaking-every-time-i-try-to-use-this-fetchall May 05, 2021 at 08:25AM

