Sending data into the API with the following code
signIn: async (email, senha) =>{ try{ const req = await fetch ( `${BASE_API}/Auth/login.php`,{ method: 'POST', headers:{ Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({email: email, senha: senha}) }); const json = await req.json(); console.log(json); return json; } catch(error){ console.error(error); } }
returns the following json that is being trown into console.
Array [ Object { "user_avatar": "path", "user_celular": "00912341234", "user_email": "", "user_id": "6", "user_mesa": "0", "user_nome": "Marcos", "user_senha": "testtest", "user_since": "2021-04-28", "user_sobrenome": "da Silva", "user_tipo": "0", }, ]
how can I extract data from this json? for example: alert(json.user_nome) May 05, 2021 at 11:48AM