I am reading a date value from a vertex, and I want to set a property in another vertex using this value. This is how my query looks like. g.V().hasLabel('Vertex1').has('property1',value1).values('date').as('endDate').V().hasLabel('Vertex2').has('property2',value2).property('endDate',endDate) I am getting a Class not found exception for endDate. I understand that endDate here works like an input parameter if I were sending the query via a client, and hence the class not found exception. Any help is appreciated.
Edit: I tried the below query too. But this also doesn't work. g.V().hasLabel('Vertex1').has('property1',value1).as('v1').V().hasLabel('Vertex2').has('property2',value2).property('endDate', select('v1').by('endDate'))
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67378604/gremlin-set-date-after-reading-from-vertex May 04, 2021 at 11:57AM