I've written a recursive script with a couple of if statements to append all files/folders in in vba using FSO but it takes forever, and I'm looking for other methodologies, or faster ways to append files. Is using the DIR or Call shell a faster way? Any reasoning would be appreciated.
Dim SourceFolder As String Const DestinationFolder As String = "C:\Users\FolderX
Dim copyfolders(3) As String copyfolders(0) = "C:\Users\FolderA" copyfolders(1) = "C:\Users\FolderB" copyfolders(2) = "C:\Users\FolderC" copyfolders(3) = "C:\Users\FolderD" For i = 0 to 3 Sourcefolder= copyfolders(i) backupfiles sourcefolder, destinationfolder Next i Mgsbox "Done" End sub Sub backupfiles (Sourcefolder as string, Destinationfolder As string) dim FSO as filesystemobject dim oFiles as File dim oFolder as Folder set fso = new filesystemobject if not "FSO.folderexists(Destinationfolder) Then FSO.Createfolder (destinationFolder)" then For each oFile in FSO.Getfolder(sourcefolder).Files IF fso.getextensionname(ofile.path) <> "pdf" Then FSO.copyfile ofile.path, destinationfolder & "\" & oFile.Name Else End if
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67352238/fastest-way-to-copy-files-folders-vba May 02, 2021 at 09:25AM