
Bash - Remove upper and lower lines from file using variables

I have to build a bash script that removes upper and lower lines from a file.

The script ask the person for a word, searches the word in the file and removes 4 upper lines, 9 lower lines and the line that contains the word.

Bellow are the commands that works:

vi -e -c 'g/word/.-4,-d' -c 'wq' fileName    sed -i '/word/,+9d' fileName  

The problem is that I want to ask the user for a word that I will use as a variable to do all that.

The bellow code doesn't work!

#!/bin/bash    read -p "Insert the word:" word    vi -e -c 'g/$word/.-4,-d' -c 'wq' fileName    sed -i '/$word/,+9d' fileName  

What should I do to solve it?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67441344/bash-remove-upper-and-lower-lines-from-file-using-variables May 08, 2021 at 04:32AM

