
Terraform - Reference for_each from a module output

I am trying to use Terraform to create multiple storage containers, and then upload multiple blobs to each container.

I have the part of creating multiple containers working, but can't figure out how to reference the for_each output of each container when uploading the blobs.

Storage Container Module (Works)

resource "azurerm_storage_container" "azure" {    for_each              = toset(var.storage_containers)    name                  = each.value    storage_account_name  = var.storage_account_name    container_access_type = var.storage_account_container_access_type  }    output "azurerm_storage_container_name" {    value = toset(keys(azurerm_storage_container.azure))  }  

Child Module (Works)

module "storage_container" {    source = "C:/TerraformModules/modules/azurerm/azurerm_storage_container"    storage_account_name = module.storage_account.azurerm_storage_account_name    storage_containers   = var.STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAMES    tags                 = var.TAGS  }  

Code to upload blob (doesn't work for trying to upload into each container)

variable "STORAGE_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_BLOBS" {    description = "The default blobs in each storage container"    type        = list(string)  }    STORAGE_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_BLOBS = ["one", "two", "three"]    resource "azurerm_storage_blob" "storage_blob" {    for_each               = toset(var.STORAGE_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_BLOBS)    name                   = each.value    storage_account_name   = module.storage_account.azurerm_storage_account_name    storage_container_name = module.storage_container[each.value].azurerm_storage_container_name    type                   = "Block"    source_content         = "blob file"  }    

If I were to set the container name in storage_container_name, it works and the container gets each blob. But I'm not able to reference the container from the module.

I have this error:

Error: Invalid index      on storage_blobs.tf line 5, in resource "azurerm_storage_blob" "storage_blob":     5:   storage_container_name = module.storage_container[each.value].azurerm_storage_container_name      |----------------      | each.value is "two"      | module.storage_container is object with 1 attribute "azurerm_storage_container_name"    The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66997197/terraform-reference-for-each-from-a-module-output April 08, 2021 at 12:05PM

