I have two process(.exe), once is implemented in C++ and another is implemented in C#. what I want is to communication between both the process. for that I have choose "Named Pipe" approach. the issue which I am facing is to pass a class object from one application to another. I am easily able to send a string data but I don't know how to send a class object from application to another. my class structure is like below:
enum information { TITLE, STATUS, DEBUG, INFO, OTHER }; class CInformation { private: information _info; string _text; public: void setInformation(information info, string text) { _info = info; _text = text; } inline information GetInfo() { return _info; } inline string GetText() { return _text; } };
so how to Serialize this class in C++, send it over named pipe and Deserialize it in C# and vice versa also for the same class. please give me an example. I am open for any other solution also for two way communication between both the process.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66930381/serialization-in-c-and-deserialization-in-c-sharp-and-vice-versa-for-named-pip April 03, 2021 at 06:58PM