
React Loading Msg

I am working on a react app that shortens a URL after a button is clicked. I am having a hard time figuring out the best logic to do so. The loading message does not show then when I click the button. The loading button appears and then disappears when the message loads.

The current behavior with the code below is the following.

  1. When it renders "Loading..." does not show.
  2. I click my "Shorten it" button and "Loading..." shows.
  3. The shortened url appears below the "Loading..." button.


import { useEffect, useState } from "react";    const Shorten = () => {      const [shortLink, setShortLink] = useState(null);      const [isPending, setIsPending] = useState(false);      const [input, setInput] = useState('example.org/very/long/link.html');      const url = "https://api.shrtco.de/v2/shorten?url=";        const fullUrl = (url.concat(input));      console.log(fullUrl);      useEffect(() => {          fetch(fullUrl)          .then(res => {              return res.json();          })          .then(data => {              setShortLink(data.result.short_link);              // setIsPending(false);          })      }, [fullUrl ])      // input      // value={input}       const loadMsg = () =>{          setIsPending(true);      }      return (          <main>              <section className="purple-card">                  <input  onInput={e => setInput(e.target.value)} type="text" placeholder="Shorten a link here..." className="shorten-input"/>                  <button className="shorten-it" onClick={() => loadMsg()}>Shorten It!</button>               </section>              <section className="white-card">                  {isPending && <div className="loading-text">Loading...</div>}                  {shortLink && <div className="shorten-text">{shortLink}</div>}                  <hr></hr>                  <button className="shorten-it" >Copy</button>               </section>          </main>      );  }     export default Shorten;  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67013426/react-loading-msg April 09, 2021 at 08:13AM

