I am having a problem framing a query with joins. Below my tables structure and data.
Tabl1(Contains ID's and Code's. The description for these codes is present in tabl3.)
ID1 | ID2 | CD1 | CD2 |
1 | 101 | MAC | BMW |
1 | 102 | XPS | AUD |
Tabl2(Contains Customer names)
tab_id1 | tab_id2 | Cust_Name |
1 | 101 | Cust Name 1 |
1 | 102 | Cust Name 2 |
Tabl3(Contains Description of codes present in tabl1.)
tab_id1 | Code | Description |
1 | MAC | Apple laptop |
1 | XPS | Dell laptop |
1 | BMW | BMW Auto |
1 | AUD | Audi Auto |
Tabl1 holds the codes in the columns cd1,cd2. For these codes the description is defined in tabl3. so I need to join tabl3 and get the description values and display it. so I need to write a query that should have the following output.
id1, id2, cust_name, cd1 ||' - '|| description for cd1, cd2 || ' - ' ||description for cd2.
I tried the below query but I am getting multiple rows(4 rows whereas the output should have only 2 rows).
select t1.id1, t1.id2, t2.cust_name, t1.cd1, t3.description, t1.cd2, t3.description from tabl1 t1, tabl2 t2, tabl3 t3 where t1.id2 = t2.tab_id2 AND t1.id1 = t3.tab_id1 AND t1.id1 = t2.tab_id1 AND ( t3.code = t1.cd1 or t3.code = t1.cd2 );
Please provide me with any pointers. Thank You.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67040875/query-on-joins-each-column-is-a-key-in-other-tables-need-to-join-and-fetch-th April 11, 2021 at 10:16AM