
Problem with string length from a dictionary

This code is in python 3:

I have imported some passwords from a .csv file. The code below takes the passwords from the csv file and turns them into a list. It is passed on from another function then turned into a dictionary.

def buildList(openFile):      newList = []      for line in openFile:          newList.append(line.strip())      return newList    def buildDictionary(newList):      newDictionary = {}      for password in newList:          l = len(password)          if l in newDictionary.keys():              newDictionary[l] += 1          else:              newDictionary[l] = 1      return newDictionary    fileName = input("Enter input file name: ")  openFile = open(fileName, "r")  newList = buildList(openFile)  newDictionary = buildDictionary(newList)        print( "\n\nPassword Length Dictionary Entries")  print( "%9s%20s" % ( "Length", "Count" ) )  for key in newDictionary.keys():      print("%6d %20d" %(key, newDictionary[key]))  

Here is the .csv file

March2021 iudj8&neB09 MyDogWo0f mv3m959  ven1vid1v1c1Iulius 123456789 abcdefgcijk What#ItN0w  windsofchange HelloMyNameIs 4584208 4586300  Anniv&0629 BDay@1955 BigBadW0d! !Rf0donotcare  R85r!4L145 S3att!eWa SONameHere Abc!23   

The output is supposed to recognize the length of each password and match it up with the count. Here is what the code above outputs.

 Password Length Dictionary Entries     Length               Count      39                    1      51                    1      43                    1      45                    1      38                    1  

This is the correct output.

Password Length Dictionary Entries     Length               Count       9                    5      11                    2       7                    3      18                    1      10                    5      13                    3       6                    1  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66962201/problem-with-string-length-from-a-dictionary April 06, 2021 at 11:06AM

