
Loop through cells in Google Sheet and remove a subString of text

I need to loop through each populated cell in my Google Sheet and remove these characters: {stringValue=}.

One of my columns looks like this:

COLUMN NAME: category  {stringValue=Pump}  {stringValue=Motor}  {stringValue=Motor}  {stringValue=Flow Meter}  {stringValue=Flow Meter}  {stringValue=Flow Meter}  {stringValue=Motor}  {stringValue=Flow Meter}  {stringValue=Pump}  {stringValue=Motor}  {stringValue=Pump}    

I need to keep text such as Motor or Pump.

This is how I populate the sheet:

function importData() {    const firestore = getFirestore();      const allDocuments = firestore.getDocuments('Data').map(function(document) {      return document.fields;    });      const first = allDocuments[0];    const columns = Object.keys(first);      const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();    const ss = sheet.getActiveSheet();    ss.clear();    sheet.appendRow(columns);      allDocuments.forEach(function(document) {      const row = columns.map(function(column) {        return document[column];      });      sheet.appendRow(row);    });  }  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67005770/loop-through-cells-in-google-sheet-and-remove-a-substring-of-text April 08, 2021 at 10:09PM

