I have a table of contacts with phone numbers similar to this:
Name Phone Alice 11 Alice 33 Bob 22 Bob 44 Charlie 12 Charlie 55
I can't figure out how to query such a table with LIMITing the rows not just by plain count but by distinct names. For example, if I had a magic LIMIT_BY clause, it would work like this:
SELECT * FROM "Contacts" ORDER BY "Phone" LIMIT_BY("Name") 1 Alice 11 Alice 33 -- ^ only the first contact SELECT * FROM "Contacts" ORDER BY "Phone" LIMIT_BY("Name") 2 Alice 11 Charlie 12 Alice 33 Charlie 55 -- ^ now with Charlie because his phone 12 goes right after 11. Bob isn't here because he's third, beyond the limit
How could I achieve this result?
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67248525/limit-by-distinct-values-in-postgresql April 25, 2021 at 08:03AM