
Idle animation downloaded from Mixamo not working

I downloaded some animations from Mixamo, all of them works fine, but the idle one seems to not work.

This seems to happen in any animation that "In Place" cannot be applied.

Walking animation

Walking animation

Iddle animation

Iddle animation

This is my code:

const loader = new FBXLoader();                var mixer;  var model;  loader.loadAsync("models/main/main.fbx").then((e)=>{      mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(e);       model = e;      scene.add(e);      e.scale.setScalar(.015);         var action = mixer.clipAction(e.animations[0]);      action.play();        action.setEffectiveTimeScale(1);      action.setEffectiveWeight(1);  }).catch((err)=>{throw err})    function animate() {      requestAnimationFrame( animate );      mixer.update(clock.getDelta());      renderer.render(scene, camera);  }

The iddle animation is the first one to appear at search of Warrior Iddle. And the walk animation is the forth one to appear at search of Walking, i downloaded it as "In Place" Active, but it also works with that beeing innactive too. Both animations are downloaded as "FBX Binary(.fbx)".


Iddle animation not working

Just changing "main/main" to "main/walk" it works Here is the other animation working:

Working animation

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66916999/idle-animation-downloaded-from-mixamo-not-working April 02, 2021 at 05:09PM

