
I want my bot to send an embed when whenever a user reacts to the above message. Not sure how i would exactly go about doing this

@client.command() async def ra(ctx):

embed = discord.Embed(      colour=discord.Colour.blue(),      title="RIDEALONG REQUEST",      description=str(ctx.author.mention) + " IS REQUESTING A RIDEALONG IN SERVER."  )  embed.add_field(name="For FTOs", value="Please react to this message to accept the Ride-Along.", inline=False)  embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow()  embed.set_footer(text= "This message will automatically delete in two hours")  msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed, delete_after=7200)  await msg.add_reaction('✔️')  await msg.add_reaction('❌')  await ctx.message.delete()  

enter image description here

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66937128/i-want-my-bot-to-send-an-embed-when-whenever-a-user-reacts-to-the-above-message April 04, 2021 at 08:51AM

