
i am stuck writing assembly code for an expression

this is what i have so far

write a complete program that will input values for a, b and c and display the value of the expression (a+bc)/(2b)

.586  .MODEL FLAT  INCLUDE io.h  .STACK 4096    .DATA    a DWORD ?  b DWORD ?  prompt1 BYTE "Value of a?", 9  prompt2 BYTE "Value of b?", 5  inArea BYTE 20 DUP (?)  mean BYTE 11 DUP (?)  meanLbl BYTE "value of c?", 16  meanOut BYTE 4 DUP(?), '.', 2 DUP (?)  .CODE  _MainProc PROC  input prompt1, inArea, 20 ; takes input and sends it to ASCII  atod inArea ; convert the input  mov x, eax ; sends everything to memory    
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67040565/i-am-stuck-writing-assembly-code-for-an-expression April 11, 2021 at 08:59AM

