
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

Hello I'm trying to make a basic api that send http requests to any server using socket

When i'm trying to send a http request to google.com it sends it very well but when i send a GET http request to any server it sends this

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Content-Length: 0 Location: https://github.com/ connection: close

This is the source code

  import java.io.BufferedReader;  import java.io.InputStream;  import java.io.InputStreamReader;  import java.io.OutputStream;  import java.net.InetAddress;  import java.net.Socket;  import java.net.URI;  import java.net.UnknownHostException;    public class socketsAPI {        private String method = null;      private final String url;      private boolean output = false;      private String payload;      private String response;      private int statuscode;      private final StringBuilder headers = new StringBuilder();          public socketsAPI(String url){          this.url = url;        }        public String getResponse(){          return this.response;      }      public Integer getResponseCode(){          return this.statuscode;      }      public void setMethod(String method){      this.method = method;        }          public void setGETOutput(boolean output){          this.output = output;      }        public void setPayload(String payload){          this.payload = payload;        }        public void setRequestProperty(String first,String second){          headers.append(first).append(":").append(second).append("\r\n");      }        public void connect()  {          try {                  // Parsing section~                // Getting the domain with path              URI uri = new URI(url);              String host = uri.getHost();              String path = uri.getPath();              final int port = 80;              // Sending request section~                // Getting the ip                InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(host);                // Opening the socket                  Socket socket = new Socket(inetAddress, port);                // Getting input and output stream of the socket                InputStream input = socket.getInputStream();              OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();                    if(method.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")){                  if(output){                      String request = "GET " + path + "?" + this.payload + " HTTP/1.0\r\n" + this.headers.toString() + "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";                      out.write(request.getBytes());                      out.flush();                  }else{                      String request = "GET " + path + " HTTP/1.0\r\n" + this.headers.toString() + "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";                      out.write(request.getBytes());                      out.flush();                  }                  }else if(method.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")){                  String request = "POST " + path + " HTTP/1.0\r\n" + this.headers.toString() + "\r\n" + this.payload;                    out.write(request.getBytes());                  out.flush();              }else if(method.equalsIgnoreCase("PUT")){                  String request = "PUT " + path + " HTTP/1.0\r\n" + this.headers.toString() + "\r\n" + this.payload;                    out.write(request.getBytes());                  out.flush();              }                else{                  System.out.println("Invalid HTTP method");                  socket.close();              }              BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();              String lines;                while ((lines = reader.readLine()) != null){                 builder.append(lines).append(" ").append("\n");              }              String socketresponse = builder.toString();                String[] sag =  socketresponse.split(" ");                this.statuscode = Integer.parseInt(sag[1]);          this.response = socketresponse;  socket.close();            }catch (Exception ex){              ex.printStackTrace();          }      }                    }  
     socketsAPI sockets = new socketsAPI("https://github.com/");           sockets.setMethod("GET");         sockets.setRequestProperty("Host","github.com");           sockets.connect();             System.out.println("Ended with " + sockets.getResponseCode() + " response: " + sockets.getResponse());  

And thanks for your help!

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66961799/http-1-1-301-moved-permanently April 06, 2021 at 09:56AM

