I am working on a chat application, what I need to do is restrict the loaded channels displayed based on the ones they join. The values load from this section of the firebase real-time db.
I need to make sure or validate that they match the keys in this, and only load them when they do.
The firebase db ref I'm using for both:
TopicsJoinedList: firebase.database().ref("/users/" + firebase.auth().currentUser.uid + "/ChannelsJoined"), channelsRef: firebase.database().ref("channels"),
this is what my listener functions look like
addApprovedChannelListener = () => { let ApprovedChannelsArray = []; this.state.TopicsJoinedList.on("child_added", snap =>{ let ApprovedChannelsLoad=snap.val(); ApprovedChannelsArray.push(ApprovedChannelsLoad); console.log(ApprovedChannelsArray); this.setState({ApprovedChannels: ApprovedChannelsArray}); console.log(this.state.ApprovedChannels); }); }; addListeners = () => { let loadedChannels = []; this.state.channelsRef.on("child_added", snap => { let channelsloaded = snap.val(); loadedChannels.push(channelsloaded); this.setState({ channels: loadedChannels }, () => this.setFirstChannel()); this.addNotificationListener(snap.key); }); };
I want to limit the ones loaded based on such criteria in the second listener.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67239151/how-to-validate-if-the-child-elements-match-another-set-of-child-elements-in-lis April 24, 2021 at 11:47AM