
How to validate if the child elements match another set of child elements in listener and then load values only when they match? (Firebase & React)

I am working on a chat application, what I need to do is restrict the loaded channels displayed based on the ones they join. The values load from this section of the firebase real-time db.

Screenshot of the location in db.

I need to make sure or validate that they match the keys in this, and only load them when they do.

location of the Joined Channels firebase db.

The firebase db ref I'm using for both:

TopicsJoinedList: firebase.database().ref("/users/" + firebase.auth().currentUser.uid + "/ChannelsJoined"),    channelsRef: firebase.database().ref("channels"),  

this is what my listener functions look like

 addApprovedChannelListener = () => {      let ApprovedChannelsArray = [];      this.state.TopicsJoinedList.on("child_added", snap =>{        let ApprovedChannelsLoad=snap.val();        ApprovedChannelsArray.push(ApprovedChannelsLoad);        console.log(ApprovedChannelsArray);        this.setState({ApprovedChannels: ApprovedChannelsArray});        console.log(this.state.ApprovedChannels);      });    };      addListeners = () => {      let loadedChannels = [];      this.state.channelsRef.on("child_added", snap => {        let channelsloaded = snap.val();        loadedChannels.push(channelsloaded);        this.setState({ channels: loadedChannels }, () => this.setFirstChannel());        this.addNotificationListener(snap.key);      });    };    

I want to limit the ones loaded based on such criteria in the second listener.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67239151/how-to-validate-if-the-child-elements-match-another-set-of-child-elements-in-lis April 24, 2021 at 11:47AM

