I'm working on a react + IPFS DAPP and making a simple Pet shop app. for now I have just create smart contract on remix and trying it's functions to work properly but I'm facing a problem.
transact to PetShop.generatePet errored: Error encoding arguments: Error: invalid arrayify value (argument="value", value="QmWmyoMoctfbAaiEs2G46gpeUmhqFRDW6KWo64y5r581Vz", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bytes/5.0.5)
whenever I'm calling generatePet function and passing IPFS hash it returns above mentioned error.
contract petshop
pragma solidity ^0.6.6; import "https://github.com/MuhammadSajid404/ERC721-Token/blob/master/ERC721.sol"; contract PetShop is ERC721 { uint256 public tokenId; uint256 public prevOwnerTokenID; mapping(uint256 => uint256) public priceMapping; mapping(uint256 => bytes32) tokenIdToOffchainContentHash; event PetGenerated(address, uint256, uint256, bytes32); event BuyPet(uint256, address, address); event SuccessfulEtherWithdrawal(uint256, address, bool); constructor() public ERC721("ShanBuilders", "SBRS") {} function generatePet(uint256 _petPrice, bytes32 contentHash) public returns(bool) { require(msg.sender != address(0), "Please! Check back! Registeration should not be from zero address"); require(msg.sender == ownerA, "Only contract owner can generate more pets"); tokenId++; require(tokenId <= 16, "More than 16 pets is not allowed"); priceMapping[tokenId] = _petPrice; tokenIdToOffchainContentHash[tokenId] = contentHash; _mint(ownerA, tokenId); emit PetGenerated(ownerA, tokenId, _petPrice, contentHash); return true; } function checkPrice(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns(uint256) { return priceMapping[_tokenId]; } function checkHashForAToken(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns(bytes32) { return tokenIdToOffchainContentHash[_tokenId]; } function buyPet(uint256 _tokenId) public payable returns(bool, string memory) { prevOwnerTokenID = _tokenId; address buyer = msg.sender; address _owner = ownerOf(prevOwnerTokenID); require(buyer != address(0), "Should not be zero address"); require(_exists(prevOwnerTokenID), "Invalid property Id, not registered"); require(msg.value == checkPrice(prevOwnerTokenID), "Please Send The Required Value"); withDraw(msg.value); _transfer(_owner, buyer, prevOwnerTokenID); emit BuyPet(_tokenId, _owner, buyer); return (true, "Succesful"); } function withDraw(uint256 _amount) public returns(bool) { address _owner = ownerOf(prevOwnerTokenID); require(_amount > 0, "Amount must be valid"); payable(_owner).transfer(_amount); emit SuccessfulEtherWithdrawal(_amount, _owner, true); return true; } }
Note: I would prefer using bytes over string because they consume less gas than strings.. how to solve this problem, I have seen a lot of answers on stackoverflow but actually i'm not getting understand any of them.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66927626/how-to-store-ipfs-hash-on-ethereum-blockchain-using-smart-contracts April 03, 2021 at 12:08PM