
How to mock video duration in react testing library?

How to mock video duration from fire event loadedMetadata with react-testing library?

in my React code, I'm retrieving the video duration with loadedMetaData event listener:

const MyVideo = () => {     const [videoDuration, setVideoDuration] = useState(0);       const handleMetadataLoaded = e => {        setVideoDuration(e.currentTarget.duration);     }       return (        <video           data-testid="vidMyVideo"           src="*some_source*"           poster="*poster_image*"           onLoadedMetadata={handleMetadataLoaded}        />       );    }  

and I try to make a unit test for the code above:

import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect';  import { act, fireEvent, render } from '@testing-library/react';    ...    const MyVideo = require('../').default;  const { findByTestId } = render(     <MyVideo />  );  const inlineVideo = await findByTestId('vidMyVideo');  // the event is fired but I got NaN for the duration. how to mock it?  await act(async () => fireEvent.loadedMetadata(inlineVideo));  

the loadedMetadata is fired but I got NaN for the duration. How can I mock the video duration?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67342306/how-to-mock-video-duration-in-react-testing-library May 01, 2021 at 10:05AM

