I am using Spring framework 2.4.4 and Intellij Ultimate 2020
I would like to test this method tryGetUser on which I am passing HttpSession, but I can't resolve the problem, because when I am mocking it and setAttribute(); at the //Arrange part of the method it always ends with currentUserUsername to be null.
public User tryGetUser(HttpSession session) { String currentUserUsername = (String) session.getAttribute("currentUserUsername"); ***// Here this local variable currentUsername is always null;*** if (currentUserUsername == null) { throw new AuthorizationException("No logged in user."); } try { return userService.getByUsername(currentUserUsername); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { throw new AuthorizationException("No logged in user."); } }
Here you can see how I am trying to Mock it, but actually, the session is remaining empty or I don't know, but when the service method starts to execute the attribute is not there.
@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) public class LoginServiceMvcTests { @Mock UserRepository mockUserRepository; @Mock UserService mockUserService; @InjectMocks MockHttpSession mockHttpSession; @InjectMocks LoginServiceMvc userService; private User junkie; private User organizer; @BeforeEach public void setup() { junkie = Helpers.createJunkie(); organizer = Helpers.createOrganizer(); } @Test public void tryGetUser_Should_GetUserFromSession_When_UserIsLogged() { // Arrange mockHttpSession.setAttribute("luboslav", junkie); Mockito.when(mockUserService.getByUsername("luboslav")) .thenReturn(junkie); // Act userService.tryGetUser(mockHttpSession); // Assert Mockito.verify(mockUserService, Mockito.times(1)) .getByUsername("luboslav"); } }
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66961507/how-to-mock-httpsession-and-pass-it-as-arguemnt-to-a-method-which-works-with-ses April 06, 2021 at 09:03AM