
How to keep track of a node's height and size of subtree of that particular node when inserting?

This is my insertion method right now. It is working somewhat, but not for every test case I throw at it. I mainly want these fields in node because I need to implement these 2 methods. I understand I can iterate over the tree and recalculate these values , but I am told not to. Any tips?

int height(Integer key): return the height of the node containing the given key or -1 if the key is not in the tree.

int size(Integer key): return the number of nodes in the subtree whose root contains the given key or -1 if the tree does not contain the key

        private int height;          private node root;          private int treeSize;   public void put(Integer key, String val){                  node tmpNode = new node(key,val);                  if(root == null){                          root = tmpNode;                          height++;                          treeSize++;                  }else{                          node curr = root;                          node parent;                          while(true){                                  parent = curr;                                  if(key.equals(curr.key)){                                          curr.val = val;                                          return;                                  }                                  if(key < curr.key){                                          curr = curr.left;                                          if(curr == null){                                                  treeSize++;                                                  root.N = treeSize;                                                  parent.left = tmpNode;                                                  parent.left.nodeHeight = parent.nodeHeight + 1;                                                  parent.N += parent.left.N + 1;                                                  if(height < parent.left.nodeHeight){                                                          height = parent.left.nodeHeight;                                                  }                                                  return;                                          }                                  }else{                                          curr = curr.right;                                          if(curr == null){                                                  treeSize++;                                                  root.N = treeSize;                                                  parent.right = tmpNode;                                                  parent.right.nodeHeight = parent.nodeHeight + 1;                                                  parent.N += parent.right.N + 1;                                                  if(height < parent.right.nodeHeight){                                                          height = parent.right.nodeHeight;                                                  }                                                  return;                                          }                                  }                          }                  }          }  //Node class   class node{                  Integer key;                  String val;                  int nodeHeight;                  int N;                  node right;                  node left;                  public node(Integer key, String val){                          this.key = key;                          this.val = val;                          this.N = 1;                  }                  public String toString(){                          return key + "   " + val;                  }          }    
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66947804/how-to-keep-track-of-a-nodes-height-and-size-of-subtree-of-that-particular-node April 05, 2021 at 11:07AM

