
How to change CollectionView size according sizes of its items

I am trying to create a custom Action Sheet using CollectionView, but I have a problem with auto resizing the height. When I insert the CollectionView into the page, it takes up all the free space. What needs to be done so that the height of the CollectionView changes depending on the height of its elements?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>    <StackLayout      Margin="60, 0">      <CollectionView          BackgroundColor="White"          x:Name="CollectionViewControl">            <CollectionView.Header>              <Label                  x:Name="HeaderLabel"                  TextTransform="Uppercase"                  HorizontalTextAlignment="Center"                  FontAttributes="Bold" />          </CollectionView.Header>            <CollectionView.ItemTemplate>              <DataTemplate>                  <Grid Padding="0, 10" x:DataType="modalDialogs:ActionSheetItem">                      <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>                          <ColumnDefinition Width="8*" />                          <ColumnDefinition Width="2*" />                      </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>                      <Label Text="{Binding Name}" />                      <Image Grid.Column="1" Source="arrow_down" IsVisible="{Binding IsSelected}" />                  </Grid>              </DataTemplate>          </CollectionView.ItemTemplate>            <CollectionView.Footer>              <Button                  BackgroundColor="Transparent"                  TextColor="Green"                  Text="Cancel"                  HorizontalOptions="End" />          </CollectionView.Footer>        </CollectionView>  </StackLayout>  

Current UI

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66993862/how-to-change-collectionview-size-according-sizes-of-its-items April 08, 2021 at 04:44AM

