
How to call sync method in async method in C#? [duplicate]

I need to call the sync method in async for some process and return it as the async's method result, how to do that in c#?

my async method

 public async Task<object> SendAsync([FromBody] JObject _jo)   {        ....       ....         int _i1 = Models.Test.CallSync1();       int _i2 = Models.Test.CallSync2(_i1);         object _ret = new       {              result = true,              msg = "",              payload = new {                   data = _i2          }       };        return await Task.FromResult(_ret);   }  

my sync method

public static int CallSync1()  {       return random.Next(5);    }    public static int CallSync2(int _i)  {       return _i * random.Next(5);    }  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66978263/how-to-call-sync-method-in-async-method-in-c April 07, 2021 at 08:55AM

