
How to access nested JSON API data in SwiftUI?

I am trying to build a public transport app in SwiftUI. I have received an API where I can search for an origin and destination station in Stockholm, Sweden, and the date and time I want to travel and then get a travel route.

This is a part of the JSON file I am working with (the full one is in the comments below):

{    "Trip": [      {        "ServiceDays": [          {            "planningPeriodBegin": "2021-01-05",            "planningPeriodEnd": "2021-05-20",            "sDaysR": "m\u00e5n - fre",            "sDaysI": "utom 13., 14. maj",            "sDaysB": "33E7CF9F3E7CF9F3E7CF9C1E7CF9F3E70F"          }        ],        "LegList": {          "Leg": [            {              "Origin": {                "name": "Skansen",                "type": "ST",                "id": "A=1@O=Skansen@X=18101848@Y=59323673@U=74@L=400110217@",                "extId": "400110217",                "lon": 18.101848,                "lat": 59.323673,                "prognosisType": "PROGNOSED",                "time": "15:58:00",                "date": "2021-04-06",                "rtTime": "15:59:00",                "rtDate": "2021-04-06",                "hasMainMast": true,                "mainMastId": "A=1@O=Skansen (Stockholm)@X=18100895@Y=59323960@U=74@L=300101405@",                "mainMastExtId": "300101405",                "additional": false              },              "Destination": {                "name": "Manilla",                "type": "ST",                "id": "A=1@O=Manilla@X=18133759@Y=59323250@U=74@L=400110141@",                "extId": "400110141",                "lon": 18.133759,                "lat": 59.32325,                "prognosisType": "PROGNOSED",                "time": "16:05:00",                "date": "2021-04-06",                "rtTime": "16:06:00",                "rtDate": "2021-04-06",                "hasMainMast": true,                "mainMastId": "A=1@O=Manilla (Stockholm)@X=18134407@Y=59324185@U=74@L=300101426@",                "mainMastExtId": "300101426",                "additional": false              },
This is not even a quarter of the full JSON file but I figured it would be too much adding it all in here, please comment if you would like to view the whole JSON file

for now, I don't focus on changing the date or time, I just need a way to access the following data:

- planningPeriodBegin  - planningPeriodEnd  - The "Origin" "name" (Skansen)  - The "Destination" "name" (Manilla)  

I have copied a tutorial on YouTube that partly covers how to access the JSON file - but not completely. Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gNOVDNWmIg&list=LL&index=1&t=966s

...And this is the code he wrote in the video:

import SwiftUI    struct RouteList: View {      @State var gifUrl = String()      @State var searchString = String()            var body: some View {          Text("\(gifUrl)")              .onTapGesture {                  let url = URL(string: gifUrl)                  guard let GIPHYUrl = url, UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(GIPHYUrl) else {return}                  UIApplication.shared.open(GIPHYUrl)              }          TextField("Search GIFs", text: $searchString)              .multilineTextAlignment(.center)          Button("Fetch Gif"){fetchAPI()}      }        func fetchAPI() {          let apiKey = "xkkakigCSAnCN4Opymed36OoyByZEbBO"          let url = URL(string: "https://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?api_key=\(apiKey)&q=\(self.searchString)&limit=25&offset=0&rating=g&lang=en")          URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) { data, response, error in              if let data = data {                  if let decodedGiphy = try? JSONDecoder().decode(GIPHYStructure.self, from: data){                      self.gifUrl = decodedGiphy.data[0].url                  }              }          }.resume()      }        }    struct GIPHYStructure: Decodable {      let data: [dataStructure]  }    struct dataStructure: Decodable {      let url: String  }

Thank you for taking the time to read the whole post and it would help greatly if you could manage to figure out how to do it. I have a URL to the JSON file but that key is private.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66977198/how-to-access-nested-json-api-data-in-swiftui April 07, 2021 at 06:20AM

