
getBasketTotal is returning $NaNaNaN - Reactjs

I'm trying to build a marketplace at the moment but I'm having difficulties dispatching data with the reducer.js component.

I'm trying to use a currency Input form to change the quantity/amount that my subtotal component displays (subtotal = item.price * $amount)

here's my Product.js responsible for the basket variables and Input HTML:

import React, { useState } from "react";  import "./Product.css";  import { useStateValue } from "./StateProvider";  import InfoIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Info';  import InputNumber from 'react-input-number';    function Product({ id, title, image, price, info, total, quantity }) {    const [{ basket }, dispatch] = useStateValue();    const [num, setNum] = useState();      const addToBasket = () => {        dispatch({        type: "ADD_TO_BASKET",        item: {          id: id,          title: title,          image: image,          price: price,          info: info,          total: total,          quantity: quantity,        },      });    };      return (      <div className="product">        <div className="product__info">          <p>{title}</p>          <p className="product__price">            <small>$</small>            <strong>{price}</strong>          </p>          <form>          <label>          Amount:          <InputNumber type="number" min={10} max={100} step={0.03} value={num} onChange={quantity}></InputNumber>          </label>        </form>                <div className="product__info">            {Array(info)              .fill()              .map((_, i) => (                <p></p>              ))}          </div>        </div>          <img src={image} alt="" />          <button onClick={addToBasket}>Purchase</button>      </div>    );  }    export default Product;  

reducer.js component:

export const initialState = {      basket: [],       user: null,  };    // Selector  export const getBasketTotal = (basket) =>     basket?.reduce((amount, item) => (item.price * item.quantity) + amount, 0);    const reducer = (state, action) => {      console.log(action);      switch (action.type) {          case 'ADD_TO_BASKET':              return {                  ...state,                   basket: [...state.basket, action.item],          };            case "REMOVE_FROM_BASKET":              const index = state.basket.findIndex(                  (basketItem) => basketItem.id === action.id               );              let newBasket = [...state.basket];                if (index >= 0) {                  newBasket.splice(index, 1);                } else {                  console.warn(                      `Can't remove product ${action.id} as it's not in the basket! `                  )              }                return {                  ...state,                  basket: newBasket              }            case "SET_USER":              return {                  ...state,                  user: action.user,              }            default:              return state;      }    };    export default reducer;  

and the Subtotal.js component:

import React from 'react';  import "./Subtotal.css";  import CurrencyFormat from "react-currency-format";  import { useStateValue } from './StateProvider';  import { getBasketTotal } from './reducer';  import { useHistory } from 'react-router';    function Subtotal() {      const history = useHistory();      const [{basket}, dispatch] = useStateValue();        return (          <div className="subtotal">              <CurrencyFormat                   renderText={(value) => (                      <>                          <p>                          Subtotal ({basket.length} items): <strong>{value}</strong>                          </p>                          {/* <small className="subtotal__gift">                              <input type="checkbox" />  this order contains a gift                          </small> */}                      </>                  )}                  decimalScale={2}                  value={getBasketTotal(basket)}                  displayType={"text"}                  thousandSeperator={true}                  prefix={"$"}                  />              <button onClick={e => history.push('/payment')}>Proceed to Checkout</button>          </div>      );  }    export default Subtotal;  

Does anyone know why the Subtotal is returning NaNaNaN and how to go about fixing it?

Thanks in advance

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67030185/getbaskettotal-is-returning-nananan-reactjs April 10, 2021 at 10:07AM

