
Find words based on what the word starts and ends with - Javascript (code.org)

So I'm trying to create code that can find words based on what the word starts and ends with, and how many characters does it have. I'm creating this for a project in code.org, and I'm not sure if this is common to see in a question. The language is JavaScript I think.

//listWord is the data of words  //findlistWord is the 'default setting' for the output for now  var listWord = getColumn("Words", "Word");  var findlistWord = [];    //find is the function for receiving the data a person inputs  //find1 is the function that refreshes the data every time  //letterCount grabs the amount of letters you choose in the dropdown  //startInput grabs the text of what the word will start with  //endInput grabs the text of what the word will end with  function find1() {    find(getNumber("letterCount"), getText("startInput").toLowerCase(), getText("endInput").toLowerCase());  }    //onEvents for when a person changes the data; refreshes everything with find1 function  onEvent("letterCount", "change", function() {    find1();  });    onEvent("startInput", "input", function() {    find1();  });    onEvent("endInput", "input", function() {    find1();  });    //len, one, two = letterCount, startInput, endInput  function find(len, one, two) {    findlistWord = [];    setText("wordOutput", "");      //Loop that puts the extracted letters into position, finding words    //listWord is the variable of all the words in the code.org data table    for (var i = 0; i < listWord.length; i++) {      if (listWord[i].length == len && listWord[i].substring(0, one.length) == one && listWord[i].substring(len.length - two.length - 1, len.length) == two) {        appendItem(findlistWord, listWord[i]);      }    }      //Alternative for if no results show    if (findlistWord.length == 0) {      appendItem(findlistWord, "There were no words that fit the limitations!");    }      //Set the output results based on data collected, combining them with a ", "    setText("wordOutput", findlistWord.join(", "));    }  

At the moment I'm having problem making what the word ends with code work. Not sure how to make the substring work.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67326880/find-words-based-on-what-the-word-starts-and-ends-with-javascript-code-org April 30, 2021 at 08:57AM

