
Fetch data by a condition react native node js

Im trying to fetch some specific data from my database , To be more specific and clear here is an exemple: i have clients in my database , and here is how their documents looks like:

Client 1:

Client 2:

i want to display the data of the clients who have an credit > 0 in a flatlist

i already have an flatlist which displays all data and it works fine , i hope i was clear, thanks!

Im using react native-nodejs

    class Listtest extends React.Component{        constructor() {      super();      this.delayValue = 8000;      this.state = {          animatedValue: new Animated.Value(0),      search:'',      refreshing: true,      dataSource: [],      isLoading:true      }      }        onPresss = (item) => {      const Designation = item.Designation;      const Marque = item.Marque;      const PrixAchat = item.PrixAchat;      const PrixVente = item.PrixVente;      const MaxRemise = item.MaxRemise;      const QuantiteAlerte = item.QuantiteAlerte;      const QuantiteArticle = item.QuantiteArticle;      const Id_fournisseur = item.Id_fournisseur;      }          renderItem = ({item}) => {      this.delayValue = this.delayValue + 500;      const translateX = this.state.animatedValue.interpolate({      inputRange: [0, 1],      outputRange: [this.delayValue,1]      });      return(      <Animated.View      style={[styles.button, { transform: [{ translateX }] }]}>            <View style=>        <TouchableOpacity        onPress={()=>this.onPresino(item)}>      <View style=>             <Avatar.Image       source=       size={50}/>      <Text style=       >       {item.Designation}</Text>         </View>      </TouchableOpacity>        </View>      </Animated.View>      )      }      renderSeparator =() => {      return(      <View      style=>        </View>      )      }         async componentDidMount() {       Animated.spring(this.state.animatedValue, {       toValue: 1,       tension: 20,       useNativeDriver: true       }).start();       await fetch ('http://localhost:8080/api/articles',{       method:'get',       mode:'no-cors',       headers:{      'Accept':'application/json',      'Content-Type':'application/json'       },         })        .then((response) => response.json())      .then((responseJson) => {      this.setState({      dataSource:responseJson      })      })      .catch((error) =>{      console.log(error)      }      )}       render(){       return (       <View style={styles.container}>        <SearchBar      placeholder="Tapez ici..."      onChangeText={search => { this.setState({ search }) }}      value={this.state.search}      style={styles.search}      round="default"      lightTheme="default"    />             <FlatList          pagingEnabled          data={this.state.dataSource}          renderItem={this.renderItem}          keyExtractor={(item, index) => index}          ItemSeparatorComponent={this.renderSeparator}                            />        </View>           )}}         const styles=StyleSheet.create({      container: {        height: 300,        flex:1,          backgroundColor: '#FFF',        borderRadius: 6,      },                            });      export default Listtest;               
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67308956/fetch-data-by-a-condition-react-native-node-js April 29, 2021 at 06:58AM

