
discord.py Changing file size to add custom emoji

What I'm trying to do: I have an on_message event for a 'global chat' command that I have created. This would send messages to any server that was in the json, currently supporting images, multiple lines of text, and custom emojis (as long as the bot shared a server with said emoji).

The on_message event

My problem: As you can see in the image above, one person, 'S o u p', has their profile picture replaced with a duck emoji. For context's sake, their avatar is not that of a duck emoji. However, if you were to look at the most recent message, the profile picture is shown. I believe that the problem lies in the size of the message.author's avatar. The PIL library may be a good solution, but I do not want to save the image.

Code I have tried:

avatar_bytes = await message.author.avatar_url.read()  guildem = client.get_guild(738285544911405107)      try:          em = await guildem.create_custom_emoji(name=f'{message.author.name}', image=avatar_bytes)      except:          em = '🦆'  

The code above is the one I had used in the image example I had provided.

avatar = message.author.avatar_url_as(size=128) # resize avatar  avatar_bytes = await avatar.read() # then read as bytes?  

Above code gives exact same results. Avatars are turned into duck emojis.

Others I have looked at:

  1. How to crop an image to a shape for eg. circle using Pillow in Discord.py?: Messages did not send when using the code here. I assumed that using the PIL library would help reduce the file size significantly one way or the other without saving the image.
  2. How to reduce the image file size using PIL: All the answers required saving the image, which I do not want to do. I tried tweaking the code a little bit, but caused all avatars to be turned into duck emojis.

If necessary, I will include the entire on_message event. However, this does not feel relevant nor necessary to include since the emojis are only a small portion of said event.

Edit: Here is the code to the entire on_message event.

@client.event  async def on_message(message):      if message.author == client.user: # stop bot from replying to self          return      else:          if not message.guild: # prevent errors when messaging in bot dm's              return          f = open("global text.json") # existing json  """  {      "747061937673732097": 765059798131539988,      "724783642546536458": 818707151122989119,      "761524419003809832": 813963773295591485,      "755309786232258630": 760381389685784587,      "738285544911405107": 738285544911405110  }  """          data = json.load(f)          for i in data:              if str(i) == str(message.guild.id):                  if data[str(message.guild.id)] == message.channel.id:                      avatar_bytes = await message.author.avatar_url.read()                        guildem = client.get_guild(738285544911405107) # guild to upload emojis to                      try:                          em = await guildem.create_custom_emoji(name=f'{message.author.name}', image=avatar_bytes) # create emoji using avatar_bytes in guildem server                      except:                          em = '🦆'                        ### functions ###                      def censor(text): # censor words for safety                          banned = ["test"] # bad words were here, removed for stackoverflow reasons                            text = text.split()                            nearly = []                          for word in text:                              if any(item in word.lower() for item in banned):                                  word = word.lower()                                  replaced = word.replace(word, ('#'*(len(word))))                                  nearly.append(replaced)                              else:                                  nearly.append(word)                            message = ' '.join(nearly)                            return message                        def parag(string): # check for \n                          length = [string]                          if string in ["", " ", "  ", "   "]:                              return "<:transparent:774136812813811713>"                          final_list = []                          if '\n' in string:                              length = string.split('\n')                          for item in length:                              thing = censor(item)                              final_list.append(thing)                          return paragger(final_list)                        def paragger(list: list): # returns original message with \n                          message = ""                          for item in list:                              message += f"> {item}\n"                          return message                        msg = parag(message.content)                        ### attachment handling ###                      embed_list = []                      if message.attachments:                          if len(message.attachments) == 1:                              embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{message.author}'s file", color=0xc39ce6)                              for file in message.attachments:                                  embed.set_image(url=file.url)                              embed_list.append(embed)                          else:                              count = 1                              for file in message.attachments:                                  embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{message.author}'s file {count}")                                  embed.set_image(url=file.url)                                  embed_list.append(embed)                                            for i in data:                          if str(i) != str(message.guild.id):                              channel = client.get_channel(data[str(i)])                              try:                                  await channel.send(f"{em} {message.author} \n{msg}", allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions)                                  if len(embed_list) > 0:                                      for embed in embed_list:                                          await channel.send(embed=embed)                              except:                                  await channel.send(f"{em} {message.author} \n> {em}", allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions) # only happens if message is larger than 2000 char                      if em != '🦆':                          await em.delete() # delete the custom emoji to make space for more emojis later on                      break            await client.process_commands(message) # process, prevent commands breaking  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66938009/discord-py-changing-file-size-to-add-custom-emoji April 04, 2021 at 12:27PM

