
Deno middleware to add payload to request

I'm trying to create a middleware in Deno using oak, I want to validate a jwt token and then if everything is OK add the payload to the request body.

Found this code:

import { validateJwt } from "https://deno.land/x/djwt/validate.ts"  import { key } from "../utils/jwt.js";    export const validate = async ({request, cookies}, next) => {      const token = await cookies.get("token");      const result = await validateJwt(token, key, { isThrowing: false });      if(result) {          request.auth = true;          request.username = result.payload.username;      }      await next();  }  

but is not working any more and haven't been able to find anything about how to add properties to the request.

What I want to achieve at the end is to access the payload inside the controller.

Thanks in advance. Any guidance will be much appreciated

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66994776/deno-middleware-to-add-payload-to-request April 08, 2021 at 06:09AM

