
Create Pandas Dataframe with different sized columns

I need to create a dataframe and convert it to CSV so the output will look like this:

People,Age,Pets,Pet Age  Tom,24,Dog,5  Jim,30,Cat,10,  Sally,21,Dog,1       ,  ,Dog,3       ,  ,Cat,15       ,  ,Horse,10  

As you can see, there are more pets than people, the relationships between the objects aren't important. The output when changed to Excel should look like:

 _______________________________  | Person | Age | Pets | Pet Age |  |-------------------------------|  |  Tom   | 24  | Dog  |  5      |  |-------------------------------|  |  Jim   | 30  | Cat  |  10     |  |-------------------------------|  |  Sally | 21  | Dog  |  1      |  |-------------------------------|  |        |     | Cat  |  15     |  |-------------------------------|  |        |     | Horse|  10     |  ---------------------------------  

My code so far is:

df = pd.DataFrame({      "People": [Tom, Jim, Sally],      "Age": [24, 30, 21],      "Pets": [Dog, Cat, Dog, Dog, Cat, Horse],      "Pet Age": [5, 10, 1, 3, 15, 10]    })  

But it's giving me: ValueError: arrays must all be same length

Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66947749/create-pandas-dataframe-with-different-sized-columns April 05, 2021 at 10:55AM

