The script below is run from a shortcut in the "Send To" folder. By right-clicking a file and selecting the relevant menu item from the "Send to" menu, the file is copied to a special folder in Documents, then opened in it's default application. It works fine with paths up to 260 characters, but fails if a path exceeds that limit.
I tried to use Robocopy (refer to script), but apparently the long path issue is also affecting Split-Path so I can't get the source folder or file name.
Is there a solution? It doesn't have to use Robocopy. Copied files overwriting older files is okay.
#Get the source file path and name param([string]$SourceFile) #Shared folder workaround Part 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New-PSDrive -Name source -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\machine1\abc\123 | Out-Null New-PSDrive -Name target -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\machine2\c$\Logs | Out-Null #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Create the the destination folder string Part 1 - get the profile's Documents path [string]$DestinationFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") #Create the the destination folder string Part 2 - add the folder's name to which the file will be copied $DestinationFolder = "$DestinationFolder\folder to receive the files\" #Create the destination folder if it does not exist New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $DestinationFolder #Copy the source file to the destination folder, quotes added to encapsulate spaces (this fails with long paths) Copy-Item -Path "$SourceFile" -Destination $DestinationFolder #Tried using Robocopy but apparently can't get the path or file name due to long file path issue #Robocopy Split-Path -Path "$SourceFile" $DestinationFolder Split-Path "$SourceFile" -Leaf #Shared folder workaround Part 2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remove-PSDrive source Remove-PSDrive target #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Get the copied file name, quotes added to encapsulate spaces [string]$NewFile = Split-Path "$SourceFile" -Leaf #Add the destination folder to the string $NewFile = $DestinationFolder + $NewFile #Open the copied file Invoke-Item -Path $NewFile April 02, 2021 at 09:54AM