I literally just started working with Boken and am struggling with DateRangeSlider. I didn't find much documentation but I used a few pieces of code I found online and managed to get it to work .... more or less.
The problem is that if you try to run the code I wrote, sometimes the slicer works and other times the graph disappears.
So, I need to understand why it doesn't always work and besides, is there a way to use the values from a column in the daterange, in order to show only available dates (Monday to Friday)? Or is there another solution to what I am trying to do, maybe 2 sliders??Dont's know
I replaced my data with share data because as in that case I don't have data for every day, but only for weekday.
import pandas as pd import pandas_datareader as web from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource,HoverTool,DateRangeSlider,CustomJS from bokeh.layouts import column company = 'TSLA' df = web.DataReader('TSLA',data_source = 'yahoo', start = '2012-01-01') tools_to_show = 'pan,crosshair,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom,save,reset' source = ColumnDataSource(data={ 'date' : df.index.values, 'close' : df['Close'], 'date_formatted' : df.index.astype(str) }) source2 = ColumnDataSource(data={ 'date' : df.index.values, 'close' : df['Close'], 'date_formatted' : df.index.astype(str) }) date_range_slider = DateRangeSlider(value=(min(df.index.values), max(df.index.values)), start=min(df.index.values), end=max(df.index.values), step=1) callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, ref_source=source2), code=""" // print out array of date from, date to console.log(cb_obj.value); // dates returned from slider are not at round intervals and include time; const date_from = Date.parse(new Date(cb_obj.value[0]).toDateString()); const date_to = Date.parse(new Date(cb_obj.value[1]).toDateString()); console.log(date_from, date_to) // Creating the Data Sources const data = source.data; const ref = ref_source.data; // Creating new Array and appending correctly parsed dates let new_ref = [] ref["date"].forEach(elem => { elem = Date.parse(new Date(elem).toDateString()); new_ref.push(elem); console.log(elem); }) // Creating Indices with new Array const from_pos = new_ref.indexOf(date_from); const to_pos = new_ref.indexOf(date_to) + 1; // re-create the source data from "reference" data["close"] = ref["close"].slice(from_pos, to_pos); data["date"] = ref["date"].slice(from_pos, to_pos); source.change.emit(); """) p = figure(plot_height =800, plot_width = 1200, x_axis_label='Date', y_axis_label='Close price USD $',x_axis_type='datetime', tools=tools_to_show,title="Stock Price") p.line(source=source, x = 'date', y='close',line_width=2) p.add_tools(HoverTool( tooltips=[ ( 'date','@date_formatted'), ( 'close','$@close{0.2f}') ],mode='vline')) layout = column(p,date_range_slider) date_range_slider.js_on_change('value', callback) output_file('close_chart.html') show(layout)
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67324669/bokeh-daterangeslider-misbehaving April 30, 2021 at 04:31AM