
AWS codepipeline cloning issues

I have been trying to create CI/CD using code deploy and bitbucket repo. The pipeline is successful but I am not seeking any codes into ec2. I can only see the node module in ec2. If anyone came through the same issues or could help me to solve them that would be great.


version: 0.0  os: linux  files:    - source: /      destination: /home/ubuntu/gt  hooks:    ApplicationStart:      - location: scripts/start_server.sh        runas: root  


sudo apt-get update  # install the application using npm  # we need to traverse to where the application bundle is copied too.  #some comments  #added commets  sudo su  rm -rf /home/ubuntu/gt  mkdir /home/ubuntu/gt  echo installing application with npm  cd /home/ubuntu/gt  sudo apt-get install -y npm  echo installing pm2  npm install pm2 -g  sudo yarn  pm2 delete gt  pm2 start npm --name 'gt' -- start      
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66978271/aws-codepipeline-cloning-issues April 07, 2021 at 08:57AM

